Regulations and Urban Development
There are several types of regulations within a municipality that govern elected officials, employees, and citizens.
Here, you will find a portion of the regulations of the Municipality of Hinchinbrooke.
The versions published on this page are for informational purposes only and have no legal value. The Municipality disclaims any responsibility for the use or interpretation of the data provided below.
Due to the adoption of several regulation projects, it is possible that certain regulations or articles of regulations may not be up to date on the website. It is advisable to always consult the Building and Environmental Inspector.
For any clarification or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 450-264-5353, extension 000, or by email at
Municipal Regulations
Abris temporaires
Temporary shelters (tempo) are permitted from November 1st to May 1st. No permit is required for installation.
The occupation of a caravan, trailer, mobile home, or camping tent is prohibited throughout the entire territory of the municipality outside the boundaries of a campground.
Affichage des numéros civiques
We would like to remind you that Bylaw #446 regarding the display of civic numbers outlines the duties and responsibilities of each property owner as follows:
- It is mandatory to contact the Municipality for the assignment of a civic number;
- It is prohibited to remove, modify, or damage the identification sign or pole; these remain the property of the Municipality;
- Each property owner must maintain their civic number in good condition and remove any obstructions, such as ornaments, branches, shrubs, trees, snow buildup, to ensure constant visibility;
- In case of non-compliance with the bylaw, the Municipality may impose fines of $100, and all costs incurred for the replacement of a sign may be billed to the property owner.
Farm Animals
Please be aware that farm animals are only allowed in agricultural zones. Therefore, animals such as horses, goats, rabbits, sheep, ducks, chickens, bees, etc., are not permitted in white zones, including residential and tourism areas.
We would like to remind everyone that it is neither desirable nor recommended to feed wild animals, as doing so can alter their natural behaviour. They may approach inhabited areas and roads, increasing the risk of being hit by a vehicle. Furthermore, they can pose a risk to humans and pets through the transmission of diseases or bites.
It’s a matter of health and safety, both for pets and for citizens and their pets.
Animal Regulations
Under Article 11 of the animal regulations, in non-agricultural zones, it is permissible to keep up to 4 animals, including a maximum of 2 dogs and 2 cats. In buildings with more than 2 units, only one dog and two cats per unit are allowed. In agricultural zones, it is allowed to keep up to 5 dogs.
Please note that due to Provincial Regulation P-38.002, which came into effect on March 3, 2020, all dog owners must register their animals with the Municipality. All dogs must be registered by July 1st at the latest, at a cost of $25 per dog.
All dogs within the territory of Hinchinbrooke must be registered.
This by-law was set in place for the protection of both the citizens and compaion animals within the municipality. In the case of a run away or theft, having your dog registered will help in identifying the proper owner of the animal in question.
Registrations aid the municipality and the SPCA to quickly identify and contact owners of errant dogs. It is also required by provincial law that municipalities that municiapalities maintain a registration database.
Dog owners are therefore required to procure a non-transferable dog license annually from the municiapality.
Cost of dog license: $25 per dog (non-transferable and non-refundable)
How to obtain a license:
Fill in the online ”Emili” online application form provided by the SPCA West
For citizens the direct link is
If you experience any difficulties with the platform please contact tech support:
- Via email at
- Or by phone: 1-800-937-0478
- For all other inquiries please communicate directly with the SPCA West at
Note :
If you do not have regular access to the internet the SPCA West also offers door-to-toor in-person registration.
You will receive a unique, numerical dog tag in the mail that your dog should wear at all times.
Accepted payment methods:
- Credit Card (online and in-person)
- Debit (in-person only)
- Cash (in-person only)
- Check (in-person only)
Brûlage extérieur
Outdoor Fires
Outdoor fires without a burning permit are prohibited between April 1st and November 15th each year. Burning permits (free of charge) can be obtained from the municipal fire warden at least 5 days in advance before issuing the permit. Please contact the Town Hall for more information.
Outdoor fires must be made in a container or an outdoor fireplace. However, stones around a pit will no longer be accepted. BBQs are allowed.
Do you plan to build a shed on your residential property? Here are the municipal regulations and standards for the construction of this accessory building for an existing residential use.
Garage isolé
Do you plan to build a detached garage or a carport on your residential property? Please be aware that the standards vary depending on the zone in which your property is located (please check with the Municipality to determine your zone).
Installation sanitaire
Septic Tank Pumping
It is important to ensure the pumping of septic tanks as stipulated in Article 13 of the Regulation respecting waste water disposal systems for isolated dwellings Q.2, r-22, which requires pumping according to the following frequency:
- Once every 2 years for permanent residences;
- Once every 4 years for seasonal residences.
Please remember that a septic system that is used and maintained properly will have its lifespan optimized while ensuring environmental protection.
The act of depositing or allowing to be deposited on a property constitutes a nuisance and is prohibited:
- Dead branches, demolition debris, construction materials, pieces of asphalt or concrete, scrap metal, waste, unusable furniture or appliances, paper, empty bottles, or glass;
- Damaged and unsanitary buildings;
- Unmowed grass exceeding 30 cm in height;
- One or more non-functioning motor vehicles, automobile carcasses, vehicle parts, or used tires.
In order to preserve a pleasant environment for everyone, we ask that you pick up all nuisances and maintain the flowerbeds.
Failure to comply with municipal regulations in this matter could result in a minimum fine of $300.
Patrimoine culturel
Cultural Heritage Act
Did you know that as of April 21, 2021, Bill PL69 has amended the Cultural Heritage Act? This amendment may impact your projects because, starting from that date, any demolition of a building constructed before 1940 must be notified to the ministère de la Culture et des Communications through a notice of intention to demolish said building. The request will be examined to determine whether the building has cultural heritage value or not. A 90-day period is then required before obtaining this notice and, subsequently, obtaining the municipality’s permit.
Over the next few years, the Municipality will conduct an inventory of heritage buildings on its territory and will be able to adopt a demolition regulation aimed at protecting these buildings without having to go through this transitional procedure, which will streamline the permit process.
Attention! Anyone who proceeds with the demolition of a designated building without authorization may be subject to a fine of up to $10,000… So please be vigilant!
Piscine résidentielle
Residential swimming pools, whether above ground, in-ground, or even portable, pose a significant risk of drowning for young children, especially when they are unsupervised, and the facilities are not adequately secured.
The Regulation on the Safety of Residential Swimming Pools below provides details on the application of the provisions of the Regulation. This guide can be a relevant source of information for any homeowner wishing to install or replace a residential swimming pool.
Consultez les règlements
Urban planning regulations
Règlementation d'urbanisme
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
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- 315, route 202
- Hinchinbrooke
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Titre de niveau H5 – Planning regulations
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- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ;
- Mauris sodales lectus eu condimentum semper.
Comité consultatif d'urbanisme (CCU)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
- Lorem ipsum
- 315, route 202
- Hinchinbrooke
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
Titre de niveau H5 – Advisory Committee on Planning (CCU)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ;
- Mauris sodales lectus eu condimentum semper.
Demande en zone agricole (CPTAQ)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
- Lorem ipsum
- 315, route 202
- Hinchinbrooke
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
Titre de niveau H5 – Application in an agricultural zone (CPTAQ)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum convallis massa, in maximus diam gravida ac.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ;
- Mauris sodales lectus eu condimentum semper.