

Office closing – Holiday Period

Paving Moonlight Lake road, Aug 26-30

Financial aid program for those effected by flooding (PGAF)

The government of Quebec announces that financial aid proram: Program général d’assistance financier lors de sinistres (PGAF), is available to municipalities and citizen effected by the heavy rains caused by tropical storm Debby on August 9 and 10, 2024, including floods and landslides. Please visit the program via the link below to view eligibility criteria and details.


Web link (French only);


Dommages causés par la tempête tropicale Debby – Une aide financière pour les sinistrés Gouvernement du Québec (


Call us: 1 888 643-AIDE (2433) 


Workshop against domestic violence

The Government of Quebec has passed Bill 96 which stipulates that any municipality in Quebec (except one that has official bilingual status) must communicate exclusively in French with its citizens. The only exceptions to this law are that we can publish in French and English when it comes to public health, public safety and tourism services.

Furthermore, with exception of subjects related to public health, public safety and tourism services, this content is reserved for persons covered by the exceptions provided by the Charter of the French Language. [Reference: c-11 — Charter of the French Language (]

Who can view the content of a page with this consultation notice?

  • Persons declared eligible to receive instruction in English – article 22.2, par. 1, and article 22.3, par. 1, par. 2 (a)
  • Aboriginals – section 22.3, par. 2(b) and section 95
  • Immigrants for six months or less – article 22.3, par. 1, par. 2 (c).
  • Persons who corresponded only in English with the Administration before May 13, 2021 – article 22.2, para. 2
  • Individuals living outside Quebec – article 22.3, par. 2 (d)